Política Antiplagio

CONSTRUCTOS CRIMINOLÓGICOS is governed by the regulations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which governs Mexico through the Federal Copyright Law. Plagiarism is understood as the use of bibliographic material prepared by third parties without directly acknowledging the authorship of others, leading one to think that the text presented is one's own, both partially and totally.

In the CONSTRUCTOS CRIMINOLÓGICOS journal, the detection of plagiarism and self-plagiarism can compromise the publication of the postulated manuscript, for this, the Ithenticate software is used, which facilitates the search for bibliographic coincidences.

Upon verification of plagiarism, the people involved are notified and if this situation is not resolved, the manuscript will be rejected for publication in this journal.

Each one of the cases will be evaluated in a particular way by the Editorial Committee to determine the most appropriate procedure in each situation in accordance with the Code of Ethics and good editorial practices of the Magazine.