The crime of dispossession and its prevalence before and during confinement by SARS - COV - 2 in the state of Tamaulipas in the years 2018 - 2021


  • Flor Alexa Zúñiga Sánchez university of security and justice of Tamaulipas
  • Juan José Montelongo Romero university of security and justice of Tamaulipas
  • Edgar Daniel Torres Perales university of security and justice of Tamaulipas



dispossession, f-test, t-test, confinement


The dispossession of properties tends to be an overlooked crime or perhaps does not receive the attention it should when an immovable property is affected. Its purpose is to make use of a house, land, lot, or ranch – to mention the most common – to live in them, merely using false authority derived from someone else's real right. This research aims to demonstrate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic confinement on the prevalence of dispossession crime through a quantitative and inferential analysis (f and t test) for crime prevention. The justification for choosing these temporal cohorts is to investigate the prevalence before 2018 – 2019 and during 2020 – 2021. This research is of a non-experimental quantitative type. This choice allowed us to determine the effect on commission during the pandemic and demonstrate whether confinement was a determining factor in committing the crime of dispossession.


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Author Biographies

Flor Alexa Zúñiga Sánchez, university of security and justice of Tamaulipas

Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Police Sciences from the University of Security and Justice of Tamaulipas in the year 2022. In the same year, I completed my social service at the State Public Security Secretariat of Tamaulipas, where I had the opportunity to closely observe the policing career and its inner workings. I have a particular interest in topics related to various aspects of social security, policing, and crime prevention. Additionally, I have completed various courses on first aid and civil protection.

Juan José Montelongo Romero, university of security and justice of Tamaulipas

Bachelor's degree in Criminology, with a focus on the environment. Currently working at the University of Security and Justice of Tamaulipas, affiliated with the Department of Research and Postgraduate Studies.

Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Development of Public Policies in Security with a specialization in Information Analysis.

Courses in geospatial information analysis, forensic entomology, and quantitative research methodology.

Edgar Daniel Torres Perales, university of security and justice of Tamaulipas

Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems Engineering; Specialization in Information Technology; Specialization in Data Networks; and Specialization in Data Analysis from the Technological Institute of Ciudad Victoria.

Specialization in Fundamentals and Database Administration from the Oracle Database Foundation Academy.

Certification in Cybercrime and Computer-Related Offenses from the Mexican Federation of Criminology and Criminalistics.

Specialization in Cybersecurity from the CISCO Networking Academy.

Certification in Ethical Hacking from the White Suite Hacking Academy.

Specialization in Forensic Informatics and Cybersecurity from Sysadmin Mexico.

Professional experience with 9 years of tenure in Systems Support and Statistical Analyst roles at the Delegation Office for Medical Benefits of the Mexican Social Security Institute, Tamaulipas Section.


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How to Cite

Zúñiga Sánchez, F. A., Montelongo Romero, J. J., & Torres Perales, E. D. (2024). The crime of dispossession and its prevalence before and during confinement by SARS - COV - 2 in the state of Tamaulipas in the years 2018 - 2021. Constructos Criminológicos, 4(6), 57–76.


