The police in the front line against the pandemic
reflections about a blurred role
Policie, Pandemic, rights’ restrictionsAbstract
The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has implied an unprecedented global health crisis in recent decades. Most states’ reactions, apart from strictly sanitary measures, have included the limitation of the rights that are connected to mobility and social contact in order to avoid the transmission of the disease. Practically all countries have established population lockdowns of varying intensity. These measures have affected various social sectors in different ways and have had a notorious, albeit unequal, influence on the evolution of crime. The enforcement of these measures requires the action of the Police (to a lesser extent the Army). This study aims at showing that the role of the Police in each country has not been directly related to the severity of the pandemic or the greater discipline or indiscipline of the citizens, but rather to the political culture and police models adopted in the various countries. Finally, this work outlines the guidelines that should govern police action in a pandemic situation to achieve safer behavior by the population, without aggravating the situation of especially vulnerable groups, or increasing inequalities and maintaining the trust of broad social sectors.
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