Español Safety and public health in Mexico

their interaction in the case of violence against women




National Guard, public safety, constitutional reform, public health


In this article, the different stages that security has gone through in Mexico are exposed, in favor of its improvement, because the State has the obligation to guarantee social peace. In such a way that, through the Constitutional Reform of 2008 called: "Of security and justice", it was contemplated to seek the common welfare and solidarity. Additionally, with the Constitutional reform of 2011, the Security and Justice System was instituted with a guarantee vision, due to the projection of respect for the Human Rights of those involved in the criminal conflict. Subsequently, in the National Plan for Peace and Security 2018-2024, six axes are proposed that aim to provide greater security and justice to the nation, namely: 1. Anti-corruption strategies, 2. Fighting crime with the National Guard, 3. Strengthening of municipal and state police, 4. Strengthening of the Civic Justice System, 5. Guaranteeing employment, health and well-being, and 6. Full respect and promotion of Human Rights.

In the same way, the issue of violence against women (increasing) is analyzed, as a Public Health problem, due to the impact of the actions constituting said crime, since clinical care for victims is not enough. Furthermore, it is interesting to know the impact of the damage caused to them not only in their personal (private) sphere, but also in life in society, since women are a pillar of the family and of society. 


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How to Cite

Espinosa Leal, I. P. (2023). Español Safety and public health in Mexico: their interaction in the case of violence against women. Constructos Criminológicos, 3(5), 53–64.

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