The role of television networks in the discourse of human rights

hypothesis of disrespect for human dignity






This paper discusses whether Brazilian television networks violate human rights through programs with discriminatory content that go against socially vulnerable groups, violating the fundamental principles of the human person. At the same time the television networks in the country represent a democratic space with the capacity to form values, spread ideas, and influence behaviors of respect for human rights, it also reproduces and legitimizes violations of those rights, thus strengthening the constitution of a society based on prejudice and oppression. The study focuses on the tireless search for respect for human dignity supported by consecrated thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, and Hannah Arendt. Methodologically, bibliographical research and the analysis of some processes of the Federal Public Ministry were used.


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Author Biography

Marden Reis de Abreu, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Máster en en Derechos Humanos, en la Universidade Federal de Goiás- Brasil, Especialista en Derechos Humanos por la Universidade Federal de Goiás. UFG, Graduado en Derecho, por la Faculdade Integrada Brasil Amazônia - FIBRA. Belém-PA.. Profesor del curso de post graduación Interdisciplinaria en Patrimonio, Derechos Culturales y Ciudadanía, de la UFG; Investigador Voluntario, en el Observatorio Goyano de Derechos Humanos (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais-FCS, de la UFG); Experiencia en el área Civil, Ambiental y Empresarial.


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How to Cite

Reis de Abreu, M., Rezende da Silva , A., & Macêdo, M. (2023). The role of television networks in the discourse of human rights: hypothesis of disrespect for human dignity. Constructos Criminológicos, 3(4), 109–122.


