Two hundred years of the Teaching of Legal Science in Nuevo Leon. A recognition from Criminological Science.


  • José Zaragoza Huerta Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Juan Ángel Salinas Garza Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Gil David Hernández Castillo Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • Paris A. Cabello-Tijerina Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml



Legal science, criminological science, Prevention, Crime, Punishment


A recognition is made from criminological science to the commemoration of the 200 years in which The First Chair in Law was held in the state of Nuevo León, which represents the antecedent of the current Faculty of Law and Criminology. Precisely, the works presented refer to topics that are the subject of study of Legal Science, but also of Criminological Science.


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Author Biography

Paris A. Cabello-Tijerina, Autonomous University of Nuevo León

Doctor en Intervención Social y Mediación por la Universidad de Murcia; Doctorando en Estudios Internacionales en Paz, Conflicto y Desarrollo por la Universitat Jaume I; Investigador Nivel II del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores; Líder del Cuerpo Académico Investigación para la Paz y el Acceso a la Justicia UANL-CA-481; Editor de la revista Eirene Estudios de Paz y Conflictos; Director de la Red Académica Internacional de Investigación para la Paz (RAIIP) ORCID 0000-0002-0191-2488; correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Zaragoza Huerta, J., Salinas Garza, J. Ángel, Hernández Castillo, G. D., & Cabello-Tijerina, P. A. (2024). Two hundred years of the Teaching of Legal Science in Nuevo Leon. A recognition from Criminological Science. Constructos Criminológicos, 4(6), 7–15.

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