The Restorative Juvenile Justice Program and the Reduction of Crime Rates
A Comparative Experience
More and more minors are immersed in criminal acts, either as perpetrators or participants, and in the face of this overwhelming situation, solutions are sought to deal with it, involving the State, society and family; It is therefore necessary to determine if the project in question will affect the juvenile crime rates, as well as help us to establish its limitations and strengths, analyzing the good practices of comparative law, specifically Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and of course analyzing the contributions of the explanatory and argumentation theories of the study variables; Thus, as a hypothesis for our proposed problem, we have considered that the restorative juvenile justice program, developed by the Fiscal District of La Libertad, will affect the reduction of crime, because the base or foundation rests on the recovery and inclusion of the adolescent offender and the family respectively, raising the articulation between family, society and state.
The population that we consider as the basis for the study is the totality of adolescents who in the period from January to August 2017 are effectively studying the program, and that amounts to a total of 50 minors.
To achieve greater effectiveness of the program, the involvement and participation of the adolescent's family and social environment must be admitted, however, we do not limit it only to the aggressor, but also consider involving the family environment of the adolescent, however we do not limit it only to the aggressor, consider also involving the family environment of the victim.
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